North Myrtle Beach Golf Course

Rated The Most Player-Friendly Golf Course in Myrtle Beach

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Insider – Summer Golf Tips – North Myrtle Beach

NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, SC – When is the best time of day to play golf in the summer in North Myrtle Beach? Do junior golfers get a break in the summer? Are the courses in good shape? These are just some of the most frequently asked questions we get here at Beachwood Golf Club in the summer months, and here are some answers from a guy that has lived here and managed courses for over 30 years.

First, it gets really hot in the afternoon here at the beach. Therefore, most golfers like to tee off in the morning hours so they can get home and hit the beach with the family by the time the mercury hits the mid 80’s. Of course, that is why you’ll find the green fees quite a bit higher in the morning hours. More demand and more comfortable conditions. If you don’t mind the heat then you can save some money by teeing off late morning to early afternoon, and the courses will definitely be less crowded. Also keep in mind that there can easily be a 10 degree difference in temperature from a coastal course like Beachwood to an inland course just a couple miles from the ocean. The ocean breeze is an absolute savior on humid afternoons.

Here at Beachwood junior golfers 16 and under can play for just $15 when accompanied by a paying adult all summer long. Junior rates and policies differ from course to course, so it’s always good to call ahead or visit each course’s website for more information.

Bermuda grass is the predominant turf grass here in Myrtle Beach and flourishes in the summer. All course’s tees and fairways are 100% Bermuda in the summer. The grass on the greens differ from course to course, but again, the vast majority of courses have some strain or hybrid of Bermuda on their putting surfaces. Bermuda grass goes dormant, or quits growing, in the winter months. Severely cold winters can sometimes take its toll on the dormant Bermuda and create problems when the temps begin to rise in late April and the Bermuda begins to green up and grow. Overall, though, most courses are in nice shape in the summer months.

Thanks everybody and for more information and answers to any other questions you may have just visit our FAQ page. We look forward to seeing you on the first tee.

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